Here, I told you what would you feed your 7 month baby.
Baby food schedule timing:
I used to give 7'o clock breast feed.
8.45 I am take her to take bath
At 9 a.m cerlax wheat.
Then she going to sleep.
Then 11 feeding milk.
At 1 any vegetable or egg or greens with rice mixed smashed food.
At 3 feeding milk.
At 5 fruit juice or boiled apple or carrot
Then 7 and 9p.m milk.
Finally whenever she wakes up at night I'll give milk.
If you maintain like this your baby is became healthy and active.
Fruit juice:
I used all fruits for each daily
First wash a fruit then grient it on mixed
Please don't use sugar or any syrup to it
Only fresh juice is enough for baby
After grient filter juice
Give 30ml forr your baby
Tag. Child care tips, baby food,